
Orasella's L.A. Twilight

Orasella's L.A. Twilight

I love variations as they provide two things: an immediate indication that you’ll probably like a cocktail and, if you’re making it at home, a way to spice up your routine.

This variation on a standard gin and tonic at once elevates it and will have you experimenting with some new spirits. And who doesn’t like that? Cheers, friends.

Smooth like Cocoa Butter Kisses

Smooth like Cocoa Butter Kisses

This cocktail is deceptively simple. Just 4 ingredients with surprising complexity due to a little pre-work: sherry is fat washed with cocoa butter to impart its chocolatey flavor. Add that to amaro, Campari and Orasella’s own cherry syrup and what results is a cocktail that is light and nuanced enough to welcome in spring. And who isn’t ready for that?



We all have our preferences, but, every once in awhile I taste a cocktail that causes me to rethink a whole category of cocktails. Have you had that experience? For example, sparkling cocktails. I’m with most of you and like my cocktails dark and deep in flavors. But, our friend and bartender, Sean de Anda, changed my mind creating a sparkling cocktail is both light and deeply flavored. Wow, this cocktail is delicious and will be what both Sean and I will be drinking to ring in the New Year. Cheers and Happy New Year, friends!