Walking on a Dream

This cocktail eases the transition from warm to cooler days. It’s delicious and refreshing, but, has some deeper notes characteristic of our autumn cocktails thanks to the addition of some well-rounded spirits. Cheers friends!


Walking on a Dream

Serves 1

.75 oz Singani 63 (Available at Northwest Liquor and Wine in the Seattle-area)
.75 oz Woods Amaro (Campari will also work)
1 oz fresh red grape juice
.5 oz fresh lemon juice
.5 oz honey/cherry syrup*
Garnish with fresh mint and Orasella maraschino cherries.

Juice red grapes and lemon using a citrus juicer. A handheld juicer makes quick work of both tasks.

Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker. Shake until just cold. Double strain into a collins glass filled with ice. Garnish with mint and cherries.

*Honey Cherry Syrup

1 oz honey
1 oz Orasella cherry syrup
(what’s left in the jar after you use your Orasella cherries)

Thoroughly mix honey and cherry syrup until well-incorporated.