Orasella's Brass Tacks

I’m a fan of variations. They are a way to switch up your routine while staying true to the flavors you know and love.

This variation - a riff on a black manhattan - packs a lot of flavor into 3 ingredients. Which, makes this cocktail easy enough to produce at the end of any exhausting day. So, let’s grab our cocktail glasses, a jigger and pour ourselves our new favorite variation. Cheers!

Orasella’s Brass Tacks

Serves 1

1oz rye whiskey
1oz sweet vermouth
1oz amaro (if you live in Seattle, check out Fast Penny Spirits new Amaro Amaricano. Averna also works.)

Pour all ingredients over a large ice cube. Give the glass a jiggle to mix. Garnish with an Orasella cherry.