Orasella's Harvest Old Fashioned

Every once in a while, our friend, Jessie Poole, creates a cocktail that is so good, I have to will myself to stop at one, maybe two, pours. Welcome to such a cocktail and one of my favorites developed for Orasella.

Orasella’s Harvest Old Fashioned is not too complex, can easily be multiplied for gatherings, and, did I mention how tasty it is? I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Harvest Old Fashioned

1.5oz bourbon
.5oz madeira wine
.5oz honey vino syrup*
1 dropper (2-3 shakes) chocolate bitters
1 barspoon Orasella cherry syrup
Cherry garnish
Lemon peel

Stir all ingredients over ice until chilled and lightly diluted. Pour over a large ice cube and express the lemon peel over the finished cocktail and around the rim.

*Honey Vino Syrup

1 tsp black peppercorn
1c honey
1c red wine

Put the peppercorns in a small cast iron pan over medium heat until lightly toasted and fragrant (about 4-5 minutes). Combine wine, honey and toasted peppercorns in a small sauce pan over over medium until honey is fully dissolved. Remove from heat and allow the pepper to steep until syrup is room temperature, then strain peppercorns and transfer to a non-reactive container. Keep syrup in the fridge for 2 weeks.