Our Best Valentines Day Cocktails

How do you pick amongst favorites? There are so many recipes crafted by talented bartenders on Orasella’s website. The three, below, are ones that I have served multiple times and my picks for your Valentine’s or Galentine’s Day gatherings.

Orasella’s Coco Punch

Sometimes, in Seattle, we need to think of creative ways to bring sun into our lives. Especially during the winter months which bring more grey than we’d prefer.

I love making tropical inspired cocktails during this time. It’s a virtual transportation to a beach somewhere…cabana, sun on your face, something delicious in your hand. Recipe linked here.

Lavender Spritz

This cocktail is as pretty as it is simple. Four ingredients topped with a little champagne and your Valentine’s Day is complete. And who doesn’t love that? Recipe linked here.

Orasella’s sparling lavender Berry Shrub

Maybe you’re new to cocktails, maybe you don’t like overly boozy drinks or maybe you’re a wine fan and wanting to branch out. If so, this cocktail may become your new favorite. Recipe linked here.