Orasella's Cherry Drenched Browned Butter Oats

I am feeling an overwhelming desire for comfort food right now. Wouldn’t you agree? And, this recipe hits the mark. It’s healthy-ish, but, still sticks to your ribs in the way all satisfying comfort food does.

The oats may take you by surprise. They’re slightly savory doused in browned butter, cinnamon and salt. But, that’s offset by the creaminess of the yogurt and sweetness of the cherries. If you’re more of a sweet breakfast fan than I am, by all means, top the oats with brown sugar to your liking. Cheers friends. You got this.


Browned Butter Oats

Makes 2 servings

2 T unsalted butter
1/2c steel cut oats
1.5c water
2T brown sugar
1/4t salt
1/4t cinnamon

Use a light colored sauté pan to make the browned butter so that you are able to gauge the color as it cooks.

Add the butter to the pan and place on a burner over medium heat. Swirl the pan occasionally so the butter cooks evenly.

As the butter melts, it will begin to foam. The color will progress from yellow to golden to a toasty-brown. Once you smell that nutty aroma, add your oats to the pan and stir until the butter coats the oats.

Immediately add water, brown sugar, salt and cinnamon. Bring to a simmer. Cook 15 - 20 minutes (depending on how chewy you like your oats) stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, for a couple of minutes.


Greek yogurt
Orasella cherries and their syrup
Cacao nibs or chocolate chips